JLH Programs
Programs by Jim Holloman

 FormatVB, VBFormat, PackVB, VBPack, CompareVB, VBCompare, XrefVB, VBXref,
StatsVB, VBStats, FormatCS and CompareCS are Trademarks (") of  Performance Software, Int'l. (PSI).

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What is CompCS?     Beta Ver.: 0.1a, 7 March, 2003

     Download: CompCS
     Purchase: Free

CompareCS (CompCS) will compare two C Sharp Source files for equivalence.
It strips out all comments and white space (newlines, tab chars., etc.) and then
packs the code into binary files and compares the two binary files byte-by-byte.  
Thus, comments and coding style, in regards to spaces and braces, will not have
an impact and two programs that are logical equivalent should compare equivalent.

This version will not identify where in the source code a mis-match first occurs.
A future version may have that capability.  This version simply lets you know
if  two C Sharp Source Files are logical eqivalent or not.

This progam has no warranty, expressed nor implied.  Use it at your own risk.

Download CompCS (38Kb)

For feedback or support email: PSI