JLH Programs
Programs by Jim Holloman

 FormatVB, VBFormat, PackVB, VBPack, CompareVB, VBCompare, XrefVB, VBXref,
StatsVB, VBStats and FormatCPP are Trademarks (") of  Performance Software, Int'l. (PSI).

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What is PackVB? Latest Ver.: 1.2a, 14 March, 2000

PackVB is a companion program to FormatVB and was developed for
programmers using VBA and VBScript.

PackVB will remove leading blanks, leading tabs, standalone comments,
appended comments, Remarks, and extra spaces in front of " As " in Dim
and Variable declarations.

Derived from FormatVB, PackVB has the same operational features as
FormatVB; including the ability to process Projects and Project Groups
with one command and the automatic creation of backup files.

PackVB is free.  Grab your copy today.

Download PackVB (55Kb)

For support contact: PSI